Tribunal de commerce de Montpellier Ordonnance de référé 22 mai 2008 Le Partenaire Européen / Médiatisse Multimédia et autre
“Is Google undergoing a rebranding exercise…?” and adds, “Maybe they’re going to be known as ’the little g’ rather than ’The Big G’ from now on…”.
Branche agricole du Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne, nouveau nom, nouveau logo
Immediately after X’mas, we have received many consumer complaints ( notably in the U.S. ) about PicooZ. Upon further finding, we concluded that all these consumers have bought one of the many copy products out there.
links for 2008-05-31

Conseil en Propriété Industrielle (dessins & modèles, marques), associé chez Plasseraud IP.
Créateur et éditeur du site pmdm.fr.
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